Running costs quite a bit of money. A lot more than anticipated. I've made this website during my free time, devoting all I can to improve the website (and this wonderful community!) each and every day. I'd like you save you the lengthy sob story and skip the begging. Believe me, if I were profiting from this website, you wouldn't be looking at a donations page right now.
I created LAF freely for all fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender and the live-action film. I truly ask nothing from you in return. I wish to only provide the means, if you enjoy this website, to help keep LAF running.
Without question, all donations will be used specifically for website costs only.
I'll accept any amount of money you wish to donate, and that's why I've allowed you to choose the amount. 10¢, 50¢, $1, $5 Whatever the amount! You decide!
I know you're
not made of money either.
Click on the link to the right and thank you, thank you for making great websites like possible.